Bakersfield Amateur Radio Association Inc.B.A.R.A.W6BAR.ORG
MARCH NEWSLETTER 2010 BARA PRESIDENT'S REPORT From The President's Desk of George KC6KGH |
Did anyone ever notice that they have Braille on the buttons of the Drive-up window at the bank? That's kind of disconcerting.But it makes me glad in one respect; after I have my 7th surgery on my eyes this week and on my one eye that works farely well, I'm hoping I don't have to use those buttons, while driving.Hey, I'm a firm believer in thinking positive while maintaining a good sense of humor.Laughter really is a good medicine.
TREASURER'S REPORT BY:KD6EAC Earlene In the Bank as of MARCH the 1st,2010:$2468.40 Total Deposited "Shares" check... 22.05+
Paid ck#1619 "Go Daddy Domain" 29.64-
Meeting of February 11, 2010, with President George KC6KGH Presiding.Meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.Four members were in attendance.Kathy KI6UIN, led the Pledge to the Flag.Earlene KD6EAC read the Treasurer'Report. It was accepted as read.Kathy KI6UIN read the minutes for the last meeting.There were no corrections or additions and it was accepted as read.
OLD BUSINESS:It was decided by the Officers that the meetings will alternate between the Veterans Hall and 1021 Castaic Avenue.
NEW BUSINESS: It was also recommended by the Officers that Dan, KE6UHG be removed as Director as he was absent from 10 Months of Meetings.
Bakersfield Amateur Radio Association Inc. Copyright (C) 2009 501 (C) (3) Compliant |