We knew the month of June was coming and I'm ready to have a great time with our meager bunch of Ham Operators, Friends and Families. Aren't you?
There's so much going on.Such as the JUNE VHF QSO PARTY on the 12th thru the 14th.Do the Long Distance contacts on frequencies above 50 mhz.
Then, of course, June means the long-standing tradition of ARRL Field Day on the 26th and 27th.Kern County Clubs will be hopping with excitement.Be sure and take part if you can.
Our Meeting & Birthday Party for Jerry N6BAR should be quite comfortable with the cool tempuratures on Thursday, under the shade trees and Gazebo.Hope to see everyone there.Any Questions Call me at my home phone on your roster.Til then, 73's KC6KGH.
In the Bank as of MAY 1 2010...$2041.88 Total
Deposited on 5/3/10 SHARES...34.35+
Paid ck#1626 Website...4.95-
In the Bank as of MAY 30 2010............$2071.28 Total
Secretary Kathy, KI6UIN
President George KC6KGH called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.There were seven members present.
George, KC6KGH, led the Pledge to the Flag.
Treasurer's Report was read by Earlene KD6EAC.It was accepted as read, with no additions or corrections.She said that a SHARES Check for $34.35 came in and it would be posted in the June Newsletter.
Secretary's Minutes of the last Meeting were read by Kathy KI6UIN.Minutes were accepted as read, with no additions or corrections.
OLD BUSINESS:George KC6KGH mentioned that the new tags for the Club Trailer were on...and that the trailer and everything was checked out, and passed inspection.
Hazel KE6NFV mentioned that Dog Training Classes will be put on hold until she recuperates from her upcoming knee surgery.This will also give us some time to talk to anyone interested in taking part.
NEW BUSINESS:After some discussion it was unanimous that Field Day be held at George & Kathy's.Next meeting will be a combination Meeting and Birthday Party at Jerry's current location.
John KE6BEZ mentioned that he would replace the ceiling fan in the BARA trailer before Field Day.
Earlene KD6EAC made the motion to adjourn.John KE6BEZ 2nd it.Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.