Bakersfield Amateur Radio Association Inc.,B.A.R.A.JUNE NEWSLETTER 2009 BARA PRESIDENT'S REPORT From The President's Desk of George KC6KGH |
I'm not sure if time actually goes faster when you get older, but man, ARRL Field Day is almost upon us and we're all looking at Miles Muzio, our local Weathercaster to see if the weather is going to be nice or not.So far, it looks like it might be Mild, but we always get surprised,don't we? Also looking forward to the BBQ beginning at 4 PM at Jerry & Earlene's.Hope you've enjoyed the W6BAR WEBSITE.It's gotten very Educational and Informational.Exactly the message of our Organization! Looking forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming Meeting on the 11th. I understand that Jerry N6BAR has great News about the Share Program.Jake W6JOD,formerly KG6HHE,stopped by my house the other day to visit a bit while in town on business and said he's also excited about Field Day in his part of California.He hasn't changed much,still mostly a Big Grin and that faraway look in is eyes as if he's trying to remember the punchline from a joke. But we had a great time together.Gotta run for now, so we'll see ya.73's..George KC6KGH
TREASURER'S REPORT Jerry N6BAR, Treasurer: In the Bank on May the 1st, 2009: $2736.58 Income: from Dues......David K6KCK:20.00 Two Field Day Pins, Tex KD6UQW:4.00 Deposit:24.00 Total IN THE BANK on May 31, 2009: $2760.58
SECRETARY'S REPORT Kathy KI6UIN, Secretary: George KC6KGH as Interim President,called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. With a Pledge to the Flag led by KC6KGH.There were 9 members in attendance and one Non-member.Treasurer's Report and Secretary's report were read and accepted. Jerry N6BAR mentioned that he had to make two motions immediately:Jerry made the motion that George KC6KGH be immediately installed as PRESIDENT, Jack KA6VXC 2nd it.Motion Carried.Then Jerry made the motion that Kathy KI6UIN be Installed as SECRETARY.Tex KD6UQW 2nd it.Motion Carried. George KC6KGH, asked if everyone had a chance to see the W6BAR Website lately and several commented that it has really taken shape and is so much more Professional.George mentioned that the Webmaster desires to remain anonymous, but has done so much Damage Control over the last Month or so restoring what was destroyed by former disgruntled members, should be at least given recompense for all of their hard work.Jerry N6BAR, said that a $100 donation was returned to BARA and could easily be transferred to the Webmaster.Jerry N6BAR, Treasurer said that we could pay that $100 to the Webmaster for all the work done on the Website.A Motion was made by Tex KD6UQW to pay that $100 to the Webmaster. Richard KG6ACH 2nd it.Motion Carried. George KC6KGH mentioned that because of everything that took place,Tripod/Lycos gave us a free month for our Website.Get in touch with Earlene about the BBQ and what to bring.Tex KD6UQW made a motion to adjourn until the next meeting.John KE6BEZ 2nd it.Meeting Adjourned at 7:30 PM.
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