Bakersfield Amateur Radio Association Inc.,B.A.R.A.JULY NEWSLETTER 2009 BARA PRESIDENT'S REPORT From The President's Desk of George KC6KGH |
I breathed a hearty sigh of relief after Field Day and the 4th of July this year. We had our Field Day in the shade, and a BBQ that wouldn't quit.We had a great group and a good time.And thank goodness we didn't have to suffer in the heat doing a Fireworks Booth anymore.Kathy and I thoroughly enjoyed our July 2nd Fireworks Shootoff and BBQ at N6BAR'S Jerry, and KD6EAC Earlene's.That was some good cooking by Earlene and also some of the Sweetest Watermelon I've had in a long time.I guess that makes Earlene the all time Watermelon Thumper,because she really picked a good one.Plus, Hazel KE6NFV brought some fantastic Macaroni Salad, and Potato Salad.For those of you that missed both Barbeque's.......You really missed it, that's all I can say. It's sad to see our longtime ARRL Section Manager and Vice Director of the Pacific Division, Charles McConnell, "Chuck" W6DPD Retiring. We'll miss him. But we heartily Welcome Dan Pruitt, AE6SX as our new Section Manager, and we look forward to his Sunday Evening Reports at 7:30 PM on our NET on the N6BYH Repeater at 146.76. I'm excited about the offer to BARA of the Free Use of a Building and Fenced-in Parking lot, anytime we want it for B.A.R.A.'S Activities.I know we'll be taking advantage of it, along with the great Money Making ideas that came up at our last Meeting.Well, that's it for now.I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on the 9th at our next meeting. 73's..George KC6KGH
TREASURER'S REPORT Jerry N6BAR, Treasurer: In the Bank as of JUNE the 1st, 2009:$2760.58 "Shares Program" income:87.75 Paid Out for Field Day/July 2nd:77.69- Two Months Payment for Website:9.90- In the Bank as of June 30th:$2760.74
SECRETARY'S REPORT Kathy KI6UIN, Secretary: President, George KC6KGH Presiding.Meeting was called to order at 7:12 PM.Six members were present.KC6KGH led the Pledge of Allegiance.Jerry N6BAR gave the Treasurer's Report and mentioned that BARA had received their first installment of $87.75 from the SHARES PROGRAM.A check for $9.90 was given to George for the Website, as it comes out of his Credit Card from Tripod/Lycos.The Treasurer's report was accepted by the attending members. Outgoing Secretary George KC6KGH read the minutes of the last Meeting and those Minutes were accepted by the attending members. Old Business and New Business kind of ran together tonight.BARA will be providing the Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Buns, and Bush beans, including the beverages for the two upcoming Barbeques in July.Hazel Volunteered to bring the Potato Salad and Macaroni Salad. Kathy said she would bring the dessert. George, KC6KGH mentioned that he had talked to the owner of the property across the street from his house, and that BARA would be allowed to use it FREE for any upcoming activities. Hazel, KE6NFV mentioned that BARA could make money by doing Dog Training Classes at that facility in the Fall of 2009 and that she would be more than willing to put it together. Everyone thought that would be a great idea. John KE6BEZ made a motion to adjourn the meeting.Jerry N6BAR 2nd it.Meeting adjourned at 7:43 PM.
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