Bakersfield Amateur Radio Association Inc.,B.A.R.A.W6BAR.ORG JANUARY NEWSLETTER 2010 BARA PRESIDENT'S REPORT From The President's Desk of George KC6KGH |
A New Year has arrived, bringing us the usual cold weather and fog.John & Hazel are warming up in Arizona, Lisa Pierce had a Birthday, I received the Ham of the Year award & have this Monster Trophy in my Living looks like a shrine.We all made it another year, thank God.Our membership has risen.Our Officers for the year 2010 changed a little bit.I'm still President, Jerry N6BAR is Vice President, Earlene KD6EAC is now Treasurer,Kathy KI6UIN is still Secretary, and Jack KA6VXC, Dan KE6UHG are still Directors, while we added another Director and Long-time Member Tex Sanders to that post. Those attending the Christmas Dinner agreed to Eliminate the Sunday Nite Net on the 146.76 Repeater for several reasons.And a big thank you to Mike N6BYH for his kindness in giving BARA access to it.Thanks again, Mike.We have been thinking for quite some time of moving the Net to H.F. or even a VHF or UHF Simplex Frequency.We'll let everyone know As soon as it happens.Well, that's about it for now.I hope everyone has recuperated from the Holidays and 2010 offers us a lot of opportunities for growth in Amateur Radio. TREASURER'S REPORT BY:OUTGOING Treasurer:Jerry N6BAR Treasurer for 2010 KD6EAC Earlene In the Bank as of DECEMBER the 1st,2009:$2622.08 Total Paid ck#1615 to KD6EAC Earlene 250.00- for Christmas Dinner Paid ck#1616 to Kathy KI6UIN 4.95- for Website Received Dues for 2 members 40.00+ Left over Christmas Dinner Check 105.00+ S.H.A.R.E.S. income 5.22+ In Bank as ofDECEMBER 31,2009:$2517.35 Total A big thank you for the exemplary work as our Treasurer to Jerry N6BAR. SECRETARY'S MINUTES for December 2009 I hope everyone has a great 2010.Our December Christmas Dinner didn't offer much of a meeting.However, we did greet a New Member and voted to eliminate the Sunday Nite Net on the N6BYH Repeater of 146.760.Thanks again Mike, we think you're great! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting on the 14th of January.Take care, and Happy New Year.
Submitted by B.A.R.A. Secretary. Kathy KI6UIN. |
Bakersfield Amateur Radio Association Inc. Copyright (C) 2009 501 (C) (3) Compliant |