Let me Pose a question to you. Are You Ready? The Boy Scouts have a motto: "Be Prepared." The ARRL has one: "When all else fails......Amateur Radio"
Now, everyone in California knows that the "BIG ONE" is going to hit one day.....but we don't know when.
As a Radio Amateur, are you prepared to take on the responsibility of handling traffic and doing communications if a disaster hits? I think not. And I said that, because I listen a lot to others locally and on HF, and their various and sundry communications about what they know and what they don't know and it's scary.
Being prepared is more than just keying a microphone and dragging out the dust-covered generator. It's more than going to a Ham Cram and learning the correct answers to get a License and not knowing the why, what, when, and where behind the questions.
Being ready in a moments notice is more than covering your walls with Certificates and Qsl Cards and friends you made on Echolink. My Dad used to tell me that "actions speak louder than words." Meaning: We have to set an example to others by what we know and turning it into what we will do in an Emergency.
I've worked several Emergency Situations, and there's always 20 or more Hams standing around and getting in the way and usually 2 or 3 doing the work. Why? Because of lack of preparedness and training & Laziness. Just having the License doesn't mean that you stop there. You take every class you can to learn more, making yourself a valuable asset to the Community.
If we get hit with an earthquake, say about a 9 on the Richter Scale....the damage will be Biblical. Dormant Volcanoes will come to life and all law enforcement, water, power, phones, sewer, will cease to exist. No Grocery stores, no repeaters, no cell sites, and no computers.
Prepare now! Because the Geologists say, "anytime."
Let's take our knowledge and experience as "Oldtimers" and teach the young. It's all about Communication. That's just something to think about as we get closer to Field Day.More Later. 73's, George KC6KGH.
In the Bank as of MARCH the 1st,2010:$2115.86 Total
Paid ck#1623 Website...4.95-
Paid ck#1624 Tags for Club Trailer..60.00-
In the Bank as of March.31,2010............$2050.91 Total
OLD BUSINESS:Kathy KI6UIN will check on the Battery Charger status in the Club Trailer.
NEW BUSINESS:Just a reminder, Field Day is coming up in June.George KC6KGH visited with Earle KM6WM at the Western Public Service Luncheon in Hemet and he said he'll be coming to Bakersfield soon to visit.He also met Carl WU6D who reminded everyone about the upcoming DX Convention in April.All are invited to attend.
There was some discussion about Field Day Activities and we'll continue that at the next meeting.
The Next meeting decided to be a Potluck as well.Jerry N6BAR made the motion to have an April Potluck and Richard KG6ACH 2nd it.
Earlene KD6EAC, then made the motion to adjourn at 7:21PM and Kathy 2nd it. Meeting adjourned.
SECRETARY's Minutes March 11 2010 By BARA Secretary: Kathy KI6UIN
Meeting was called to order by President George KC6KGH at 7PM, with six members in attendance.
Tex, KD6UQW led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Earlene KD6EAC gave the Treasurer's Report and it was accepted as read.Earlene mentioned that Trailer tags for the Club trailer will have to be paid by April 30th.
Kathy KI6UIN read the Minutes of the Last meeting.There were no additions or corrections.And it was accepted as read.